A deep analysis of the consumption habits led the Company to focus the main criteria orienting the consumers’ behaviours, that is: the progressive destructuring of meals, the continuous search of practical and quick solutions with an high service content, due to the evolution of the work and demographic social organization; as well as the subjective search of wellbeing, joined with the attention to the quality of everything we eat.
Therefore, meals tend to be simplified and combined with other little occasions of eating, that we could define “snacking”: real breaks spread along the day and eaten away from home, that are considering more and more the value of the tasty and quality food.
In this context, the offer of the rice specialist – Riso Scotti Snack – is placed: in particular, VENDING has a primary role, taking the products in the working and studying places, in hospitals and places crowded with people; the modern HORECA, besides, offers solutions that are often preferred to the traditional ones: let’s think of brunch, aperitif-dinner or happy hour, and in the end, the RETAIL, where our proposals complete Riso Scotti’s wide range, with practical frozen solutions with an high organoleptic quality and service content.
Giorgio Notaro,
Riso Scotti Snack’s Technical Director and Sales Manager for Ho.Re.Ca. and Vending
Taste at ease
is knowledge and
awareness of what
we are eating

While introducing its products and describing its philosophy, the Company wants to promote correct lifestyles through an informed and easy usable diet. That’s why the packaging of all products is aimed at pointing out the information concerning in particular the caloric contents and the healthy strong points of each product.
The future is addressed to tasty products – attentive to wellbeing, functional for a deeply changing socio-economic reality – and to the search of a new balance point.
The claim “Taste at ease” demonstrates it, being a real declaration of intent and at the same time a promise to consumers: by choosing the sweet or savoury snacks by Riso Scotti Snack, they are sure they are complying with absolutely balanced caloric and fat-contents parameters – even if they eat them between meals – and they will be rewarded as to taste.
Taste at ease is also this